Blog Archive

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Turner Landscape with an AT-AT

The works of Turner are amongst my favourite, so make of this what you will, it gave me a giggle.

Rack and Pinion Calendar!

The work of Sebastian Bergne, a designer with obvious creativity, is up for sale over at This 'rack and pinion calendar,' as I'm calling it, is going for 33.50.

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Epic Mario Bros. inspired Light Fixture

The dudes at Lootiful are selling this wonderful lighting fixture--some assembly required. It's $55 USD, but you can make that back by punching the bottom of it 55 times.

NB: yes, punching, not headbutting; look closely at the pixels. It's Mario's fist that bashes bricks and boxes, not his noggin as the common misconception goes.

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Pixel Art Movie Posters

Basing the construction of forms of Mega Man (I noticed after comparing them to my wall), Eric Palmer over at has given us a series of fun, 8-bit inspired movie posters. See the others for yourself, I love 'em!

Monday, 19 March 2012

Dark Knight / Pac-man X-over Wallpaper

I'm using this as my current wallpaper: i love it. Many thanks to Redditor soccersalah. Unless I make a later edit to clarify, I believe this is his or her original work. Click on it for the full size.

Monday, 12 March 2012

Marge Simpson was an anthropomorphic rabbit: still is in arcade game

Marge Simpson was originally designed to be an anthropomorphized rabbit. She still is in The Simpsons arcade game as you can see her hairdo was intended to cover up massive bunny ears. Creepy!

Full story here.

How to sleep in class: Expert difficulty

Thanks to Redditor xvalkyriex for this epic picture.

Tetris Leggings!

The guys and girls over at Black Milk are offering these fantastic Tetris Leggings; quite possibly the sexiest thing to be inspired by the Soviet Union since... uh... ever?